Hitting Two Birds with One Stone: Increasing Domestic Traffic Alongside Fiber Optic Development

Hitting Two Birds with One Stone: Increasing Domestic Traffic Alongside Fiber Optic Development

The Need for a Specialized Regulator to Create a Competitive Environment

Pouya Zekri Esfahani, an expert in IT policy, discussed the challenges and obstacles in implementing the resolution on “Strategies to Increase the Share of Domestic Traffic and Combat Anti-Filtering Tools” with a reporter from the Science and Technology News Agency, Ana. He stated: “From the way this resolution is drafted, it seems that the approach to increasing domestic traffic is based on video content. The priority is given to platforms with video content, while other platforms are secondary. The Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance is considered the primary responsible body, addressing the issue of anti-filtering tools simultaneously. Although this viewpoint is logical—since if the share of platforms producing video content increases, the share of domestic traffic should also increase—it is not comprehensive. A better mechanism should be in place to enhance the role of other platforms.”

This IT expert emphasized: “Overall, the first step should be to create a competitive environment by establishing a specialized regulator, providing a suitable infrastructure for various platforms. This sector is new and receives significant government support. Platforms need to offer quality services. Regarding platform competition, with specific support for some platforms dominating the market, there could be adverse economic effects over time. A specialized regulator can manage this issue.”

He added: “Another matter is the ‘half-price tariff for domestic traffic.’ Although operators are somewhat allowed to negotiate tariffs freely, it should be aligned with international tariffs. The half-price policy hasn’t had the necessary economic impact for content producers, operators, or users. Tariffs should be liberalized so that operators can negotiate with platforms, ensuring transparent traffic calculation and offering affordable packages to consumers.”

Hitting Two Birds with One Stone: Increasing Domestic Traffic Alongside Fiber Optic Development

Zekri Esfahani stated: “On the other hand, since the government is seriously pursuing development projects (5G and fiber optic), the half-price tariff has reduced operators’ revenue, who are the main executors of these projects, and it should be abolished.”

This communications and IT policy expert added: “The fiber optic project is crucial as it underpins the development of digital businesses and future technologies. If a competitive environment is created where operators can negotiate with content producers, it will be possible to design and implement reasonably priced content packages with various qualities over the fiber optic network. This will encourage content producers to provide better and higher-quality content. Ultimately, it will achieve two goals at once: increasing domestic traffic and boosting demand for fiber optics.”